We are excited to invite you to join us as we begin building our new future together.
Each one of you plays a unique role in our lives, sharing with us memories we will always treasure. So we hope you can join us for yet another unforgettable moment, as we exchange vows and make a lasting commitment to one another.
We are sure that you'd never wanna miss the sensational feel that would excite all your 5 senses.
Could there be any fragrance beautiful than the fragrance of the fresh Malli poos and Garlands.
What would be more touching than meeting all your loved ones and spending time with them.
The divine Getti Melam will definitely be a true harmony to your souls.
Your taste buds can't resist tasting the yummy Arusuvai Virundhu.
Come, treat your eyes watching our Heavenly Wedding.
We are lucky enough to already have nearly everything we need for this new chapter together!
However, for friends and family who have expressed an interest, we have created a gift registry for your convenience.